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TexPro FlexStop

TexPro FlexStop

FlexStop is a flexible, ready-to-use membrane that is just a single component, and acts continuously as an air and water barrier. It is a 100% acrylic product that is easy to apply. The product is designed to be applied with a flat trowel on wood, Aspenite (OSB), plywood, concrete or gypsum to increase resistance to a building’s climate. FlexStop will remain elastic and flexible even in cold temperatures, and can be used as an adhesive for insulating panels.

TexPro FlexStop CB

TexPro FlexStop CB

FlexStop CB is a cementitious, two-component membrane. It is specially developed as an air barrier and water-resistant membrane for outdoor mineral substrates such as plasterboard covered with felt fiberglass (exterior gypsum), plasters, cement and other cementitious substrates approved by TexNov.

TexPro FlexStop RLX

TexPro FlexStop RLX

FlexStop RLX is a flexible, ready-to-use coating that is just a single component, and acts continuously as an air and water barrier. It is a 100% acrylic product that is easy to apply. The product is designed to be applied with a roller or brush on wood, Aspenite (OSB) or plywood, concrete or gypsum to increase resistance to a building’s climate. FlexStop RLX will remain elastic and flexible even in cold temperatures.

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